The MSR Stove Maintenance Guide

Have you ever been on a multi-day backcountry trip and dealt with a sputtering, inconsistent flame from your camp stove? Or maybe your stove stopped working altogether and you didn’t read up on how to make the normally easy fix required? These sorts of troubles can be no small emergency on a multi-day trip, especially if a large chunk of your calories need cooking or you’re melting snow for water. That’s why stove maintenance—particularly with liquid fuel stoves—is so critical. In fact, every MSR stove has been intentionally designed to be easily user-maintainable for a long, reliable life. Our Annual and Expedition Stove Maintenance Kits, along with intuitive, field-maintainable designs, keep this essential task easy to do, ensuring you never get stuck without the fire you need. With that in…

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Make the Most of Your Stove: MSR Stove Accessories

While the idea of “accessorizing” something might sound a little superfluous, MSR stove accessories are anything but. In fact, our engineers can work for years on a single design. That’s because each one needs to not only work in concert—and safely—with our camp stoves, but also needs to do so in a way that improves either efficiency and/or performance in a meaningful way.  No stove can “do it all”, so many of these accessories are engineered to extend a stove’s performance into extreme or rare conditions, while others simply allow greater convenience, versatility or efficiency. So before you start thinking about a whole new stove, or figuring out how to extend your fuel supply on a long trip, check out this comprehensive guide to MSR Stove Accessories and see just…

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The LowDown Remote Stove Adapter: Get More from Your Canister Stove

Let’s face it, as much as we love the simplicity and efficiency of our canister-mounted stoves and stove systems, if they have an Achilles’ heel, it’s stability­­—a function of their tall height and using a canister as their base. If you’re a frequent user, you’ve likely run into situations that had you gathering or excavating some rocks or bits of organic matter to even out the canister or simply wished you could just put that large pot of water on a lower, less-tippy stove while making coffee on a casual car camping weekend with family or friends. If any of that sounds familiar to you, the LowDown™ Remote Stove Adapter might just be the upgrade you’ve been looking for. What Is the LowDown Remote Stove Adapter? “The ‘remote stove adapter’…

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