The Ultimate Guide to MSR Cookware

It’s often said that the best gear in the world is gear you don’t notice. It’s the stuff that works so remarkably well, it’s unremarkable. It just does its thing, and you get to focus solely on the task at hand, whether that’s having a ball with friends or pushing for a summit. Camp cookware falls squarely into this category. It’s not the coolest gear you’ll ever acquire, but since it will play a key role in keeping you fueled up for your adventure, choosing the right cookware for each style of trip is essential to making the most of the experience. Some trips demand the lightest and most packable option to keep you moving, while on others, you might choose a bit more luxury for cooking like you’re at…

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Everything You Need to Know About Cold Soak Backpacking Meals

I was thru-hiking the Colorado Trail when I attempted to cold soak my food for the first time. I pulverized the ramen noodles in their package, dumped them into an empty peanut butter container, covered them with water and waited beneath the drooping sun. About a half hour later, I opened the lid to find lifeless noodles bobbing to the surface. It looked like something you’d find in a science lab, limbs splayed in every direction. But I was in the middle of the woods where calories couldn’t be wasted, so I dug into my cup with a grimace. My first bite was surprisingly soft. But it wasn’t bad. I was a little bit more eager for the second bite, which I decided tasted like your typical ramen—only cold. Maybe…

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